Meeting documents

Regeneration & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Panel
Thursday, 13th June, 2013 2.00 pm

Agenda Item No

Description: new crest for memo 



Agenda Item No: 8.

13th June 2013


To the Chair and Members of the

Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel




Relevant Cabinet Member(s)

Wards Affected

Key Decision

Mayor Jones

Councillor Glyn Jones

Councillor Chris Mills

Councillor Bill Mordue

Councillor Joe Blackham

Councillor Nuala Fennelly






1.         The Panel is asked to agree a work plan for 2013/2014, consider any relevant updates following the last meeting of the Panel on the 18th March 2013.




2.         Not exempt




3.         The Panel is asked to:

i.              Ensure the work plan takes account of best principles of Scrutiny workplanning guidance shown in Appendix A and Annexe 1;

ii.            Approve the draft work plan for 2013/14 in Appendix B which takes account of issues considered at the informal work planning meeting held on the 4th June 2013 (more detailed feedback to be circulated separately to the Panel);

iii.           Note that the work plan is a living document and will be reviewed and updated at each meeting of the Panel to include any relevant correspondence, updates, new issues and resources available to meet additional requests;

iv.           Agree to monitor progress against the workplan at each formal meeting and to agree how often recommendations put forward to the Executive should be monitored;

v.            Receive and comment on the correspondence received following its meeting held on 13th March 2012 in Appendices C to G;

vi.           Note the appointment of the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s representative on the Enterprising Doncaster Board meetings and the LDF Project Board.

vii.          Receive the Action Points from Enterprising Doncaster Board Meeting 1st February 2013 Appendix H;

viii.        Note the notes from the Doncaster Racecourse informal meeting with the Panel that took place on the 25th April 2013 in Appendix I;

ix.           Agree the Terms of Reference of a working group for the current municipal year to make recommendations to the Executive regarding any strategy or policy development work in Appendix J.   The Membership for the group will be discussed and agreed at the meeting.




4.         Overview and Scrutiny has a number of key roles and will focus on:


·                     Holding decision makers to account.

·                     Policy development and review

·                     Monitoring performance

·                     Considering issues of wider public concern.


         Developing the 2013/2014 Work Plan


5.         A draft work plan was considered at an informal panel work planning meeting on the 4th June 2013, a copy of what was discussed and agreed is attached at Appendix A and B.  Any draft work plan is likely to include:


·                     Issues that are ongoing or carried over from the previous years work plan;

·                     Statutory plans and policy framework documents;

·                     Issues of interest to Members in terms of future key developments or of wider public concern;  and

·                     Monitoring performance.


6.         The power of Overview and Scrutiny lies in its ability to influence the Executive and other decision takers by holding them to account and providing an input into proposed decisions prior to their implementation.  By considering major strategic framework issues Overview and Scrutiny Members have the opportunity to put forward recommendations and proposals that will help to shape the Council’s Strategic Framework.


7.         Members are advised that the work plan presented for discussion at today’s meeting is in draft form.  It should be seen as a “live” document that should be regularly revised and reviewed to take account of ever changing priorities.  The work plan should remain manageable and achievable yet challenging and robust.  Further work is likely to be required to confirm key dates for the consideration of specific issues and agreeing the nature of Overview and Scrutiny’s involvement in reviewing specific issues.


8.         The Panel is advised that there are five scheduled meetings programmed for the forthcoming municipal year within which to complete its work programme.  In addition there may be occasions where it is necessary to convene additional meetings.  The Panel will need to consider the resources available to meet additional requests for example, Member and officer attendance, writing reports, and Scrutiny support.  This will therefore require the Panel to regularly review and where necessary reprioritise its work plan accordingly (e.g. agreeing to remove an issue from its work plan where it takes on an additional piece of work).


9.         The Panel is also reminded that in order to complete every aspect of its work plan or in making additional requests for information it may request briefing notes be provided or presentations given outside of a formal meeting setting but reported back to the Panel through its work plan report.  This could be particularly relevant when the Panel is just wishing to receive information for background purposes e.g. further details of a proposed key decision rather than formally scrutinising an issue.


10.       Members are also reminded that in carrying out their work plan they need to consider wider thematic issues such as:


·                     Engaging the public, partners and stakeholders;

·                     Holding decision makers to account;

·                     When it would be appropriate to invite members of the Executive to attend the meetings to be held to account;  and

·                     How to effectively use performance information to develop its work plan.


Agreeing Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Work Plan


11.       The key message at the work planning session was to keep the work plan focused to allow an opportunity for in-depth analysis of key issues.             The Panel is asked to consider the draft work plan attached in Appendix B and consider the extent to which it meets the best practice principles attached at Appendix A.


12.       At its work planning event on 4th June 2013, the Panel considered a draft work programme for 2013/14. Consideration was given to the guidance attached at Appendix A and views were sought from Directors and Assistant Directors on appropriate topics.  The following key areas were agreed by the Members of the Panel present as the focus for the 2013/14 work plan (the feedback from meeting will be circulated separately): -


·               Bus Service Review

·               Waste & Recycling/Environment

·               Regeneration (Next Wave of Projects)


Other areas to be accommodated in the workplan are to include Gypsy and Travellers, Work and Skills and Housing (Access to Finance).


13.    It is recognised, that the work plan is a live document which is to be reviewed and monitored on a regular basis.  It is also acknowledged that there needs to be capacity and flexibility within the workplan to accommodate other areas of work that may arise during the year.


14.    In addition to the above areas, the Panel agreed to establish a Strategy/Policy Development Working Group that could meet up outside of the formal panel meeting process to consider separate strategies and policy development.  The Membership of the group and the Terms of Reference (Appendix J) is to be agreed at the first formal panel meeting


          Monitoring the Work Plan


15.       An updated version of the work plan will appear on the Panel’s agenda each meeting and will include relevant correspondence and briefings on its work undertaken.  In this way accountability will be demonstrated and Members will be able to see more clearly the progress being made and where necessary review responses from the Executive. 


Links with the Local Strategic Partnership - Representation


16.    Doncaster Together, Doncaster’s Local Strategic Partnership previously agreed that its governance and links with elected Members could be enhanced by allowing Scrutiny Chairs to attend meetings of its thematic Boards as ex officio Members.  The link and attendance of the Chairs/Vice to the relevant thematic boards proved to be useful in supporting wider partnership working, improving accountability, sharing ideas and ensuring Members had a more informed overview of activities around the Council’s key priorities.


17.    It is essential that the nominated Member/s to serve on the thematic Boards are able to attend meetings and feedback to their relevant Panels, make appropriate links in respect of any potential work plan issues and help ensure Members gain a greater awareness of partnership activity


18.    The Panel is asked to note the proposed appointment of Councillor Tony Revill as the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s representative on the Enterprising Doncaster Board which will have been agreed at its informal workplanning meeting that was held on the 4th June 2013.


19.    At the OSMC meeting on the 20th June 2013, the committee will nominate the agreed representative to serve on Enterprising Doncaster which is the relevant Doncaster Together thematic board aligned to the work of the Panel.




LDF Project Board - Representation


20.    The Council established an LDF Project Board in 2012 which has a remit to improve internal Council engagement with the LDF to ensure that it is a high priority for the Executive and all Directorates.  As part of the Membership, the Board has a scrutiny representative on it and the Panel is asked to note the proposed appointment of Councillor Tony Revill as the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s representative.


Updates since the Last Formal Meeting of the Panel - 18th March 2013


Asset Management


21.    At the Panel Meeting held on the 18th March 2013, the Panel considered information on Doncaster Council’s Assets Portfolio.  Correspondence between the Chair of the Panel and the Executive has been included in Appendices C and D.


Careers Advice Information and Guidance


22.    In respect of the Careers Advice and Guidance review, a joint working group was formed with Members from the Regeneration and Environment and Schools, Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel.  Members from the joint working group attended a series of meetings and site visits on the 6th, 11th December 2012 and 11th February 2013 to look at a range of information and evidence.  Following the final meeting a report was submitted to the Executive and a response has been attached in Appendix E.


Housing Options (Access to Finance)


23.    An informal meeting was held on the 28th February 2013 to consider the following piece of work, ‘‘How can we improve access to finance for developers to meet our housing target and to assist buyers to purchase their own homes within Doncaster?”.  A range of attendees came to this meeting which included developers, banks, building societies and partnerships.  Correspondence outlining the Panel’s recommendations was submitted to the Executive following the final Panel meeting and can be found in Appendices F and G. 


Enterprising Doncaster Board Meeting – 1st February 2013


24.       A meeting of Enterprising Doncaster took place on the 1st February 2013; and the Action Points from this meeting has been included in Appendix H.


Informal Meeting – Doncaster Racecourse Management Company – 25th April 2013


25.    An informal meeting took place on the 25th April 2013 at Doncaster Racecourse with the Panel and representatives from Racecourse Management Company which included Tony Kelly, Managing Director of the whole ARC Group and Director of Doncaster, Jeff Ennis MP for Barnsley and Mexborough and Mark Spincer, Managing Director of Doncaster Racecourse.  The notes from this meeting have been included in Appendix I.




26.       There are no specific options to consider within this report as it provides an opportunity for the Panel to develop a work plan for 2013/14.




27.       This report provides the Panel with an opportunity to develop its work plan for 2013/14 and reflect on progress made.





Priority Outcome

Implications of this initiative


Doncaster’s economy develops and thrives, underpinned by effective education and skills

The Overview and Scrutiny function has the potential to impact upon all of the council’s key objectives by holding decision makers to account, reviewing performance and developing policy through robust recommendations, monitoring performance of council and external partners services and reviewing issues outside the remit of the council that have an impact on the residents of the borough.


Children are safe



Stronger families and stronger communities


Modernised and sustainable Adult Social Care Services with increased choice and control


Effective arrangements are in place to deliver a clean, safe and attractive local environment


The Council is operating effectively, with change embedded and sustained with robust plans in place to operate within future resource allocations




28.    To maximise the effectiveness of the Overview and Scrutiny function it is important that the work plan devised is manageable and that it accurately reflects the broad range of issues within its remit.  Failure to achieve this can reduce the overall impact of the function.




29.    The Council’s Constitution states that subject to matters being referred to it by other part of the Full Council, OSMC or the Executive and any timetables laid down by those references the Regeneration & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel will determine its own work programme (Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 6c).


30.    Overview and Scrutiny Panels Terms of Reference – 3, states that the Panel is empowered to establish ad hoc working groups from within its membership, to undertake project and policy development work, to meet the objectives and targets of its annual work plan.


31.    Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15 (a) states that where, in the opinion of the Chair of an Overview and Scrutiny Panel, the matters under discussion are relevant to matters referred to other Scrutiny Panel(s) he/she shall consider to what extent to invite the participation of the Chair and/or other Members of the other Panel in the deliberations.


32.    Specific legal implications and advice will be given with any reports when Overview and Scrutiny have received them as items for consideration.




33.    The budget for the support of the Overview and Scrutiny function 2012/13 is not affected by this report however, the delivery of the work plan will need to take place within agreed budgets.  There are no specific financial implications arising from the recommendations in this report.  Any financial implications relating to specific reports on the work plan will be included in those reports. 




34.      A work planning event was held on the 4th June 2013 with Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Members with a view to developing a draft work plan.




35.       Summary of the meeting and workplanning guidance from Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny work planning meeting held on the 4th June 2013.




Caroline Martin

Scrutiny Officer

01302 734941




Peter Dale

Director of Regeneration & Environment



1.         In terms of undertaking effective Overview and Scrutiny, Members are asked to agree a small number of manageable issues for consideration on its work programme that can be accommodated within the schedule of meetings (see Appendix B).


2.         Setting the Panel’s forward work plan is an important task for Members. Done correctly it will allow Overview and Scrutiny to contribute to effective decision making and improved delivery of services. Done badly it can end up wasting time and resources on issues where the impact of any work done is likely to be minimal. This short briefing provides some key principles of effective work planning.


3.         Overview and Scrutiny work plans should incorporate issues that include the following:


                i.          Holding the Executive to account (e.g. Reviewing performance and impact of any decisions or policies, Cabinet Members, pre decision Scrutiny)

               ii.          Contributing to performance monitoring/service improvements (ensuring that effective performance and service improvement takes place by effectively challenging the Executive, Officers and Partners.

              iii.          Policy development and review – Proposing evidence based recommendations to influence future policy e.g. short reviews (Select Committee style) or in depth reviews.

              iv.            External Scrutiny – Scrutiny of partners and other external bodies.


Key Principles of Effective Work Planning


4.         Best practice has shown us that Overview and Scrutiny is most effective when: -


                i.              It is strategic in nature with topics relating directly to supporting the delivery of borough wide priorities.

               ii.              It is focused on reviewing a small number of issues in detail, rather than trying to review everything (the quality not quantity principle).

              iii.              It is forward looking. The real impact of Scrutiny lies in shaping and influencing future policy/decisions through evidence based review.

              iv.              Work plans and outcomes and impact of any recommendations are regularly reviewed

               v.              Topics are carefully selected they should seek to add value to the organisation and the delivery of public services

              vi.              There is a clear understanding of the aims and objectives when undertaking Overview and Scrutiny of a specific issue.

            vii.              The process is Member led, taking account of advice from officers, partners etc.


Criteria for Inclusion of Issues on the Work Plan


5.         The Attached Annex “Ingredients for an Effective Review” contains principles that should be taken into account should the Panel wish to undertake any review work.




6.         Effective work plans should be focused and manageable. There is always the potential that the Panel may develop a shopping list of issues to look at in case something is “missed”. This is unlikely to achieve any significant value as Scrutiny becomes nothing more than an information giving forum with little focus and no opportunity to look at issues in any real depth.


7.         There is however a need for Members to build up knowledge on certain issues but in many cases this can be undertaken outside the formal meeting setting. Detailed below are some of the ways in which O&S can review issues identified on its work plan.


                      i.        Written briefing, Workshops, Seminars and Presentations – This enables Members to gain an understanding of an issue and identify whether any further Scrutiny work should be undertaken.

                    ii.        Report – formal report considered at an O&S meeting at which the Panel would look to formally consider a specific issue. Clarity should be given on the aspect which the Panel wish to review.

                   iii.        Working Groups – established to gather evidence, look at an issue and report back to the Panel with its findings and put forward evidence based recommendations.

                   iv.        In depth/Minor review – to undertake a more in depth study of an issue where partners, stakeholders, public, are invited to give evidence etc.

                    v.        Evidence gathering/consultation - site visits, drop in sessions, questionnaires, social media, meetings in community to gauge views on a specific issue etc.




8.         Appendix B shows the dates of R&E O&S meetings during the year and includes topics identified for June meetings and dates for consideration of other key issues. The draft table has some gaps and allows capacity for urgent /unexpected issues to be considered. Time will also need to be set aside to undertake any briefings, workshops, site visits or other activities that may support R&E O&S’s work. The work plan should therefore be seen as a live document which should be regularly reviewed and updated at each formal meeting.





Detailed below is some guidance to assist Members in identifying and agreeing topics for review.


An effective review/topic for consideration:


1.   Is focused on a specific issue not a wider theme. It has a clear objective and is likely to bring about SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based) recommendations.


2.   Will seek to improve awareness and understanding on a significant or complex issue that is likely to help inform future decision making.


3.   Is likely to result in service improvements, budget savings, improve the lives of residents of the Borough and contributes to one or more of the Borough’s key priorities.


4.   Addresses an area of customer/public concern over performance of services and further investigation is likely to bring about greater understanding and inform future decision making.


5.   Is an area where the Overview and Scrutiny process can add some unique value or perspective and does not duplicate work being undertaken elsewhere e.g. through a Partnership Task Group or other organisation.


6.   Is not an issue that is more appropriately addressed through another body/Committee e.g. The Audit Committee, Employee Relations Committee etc.


7.   Is potentially an area of public interest and may provide a real opportunity for public engagement and involvement.


8.   Provides the opportunity to engage with partners, share learning, develop relationships, provide critical friend challenge and/or hold them to account and support the delivery of cross organisational priorities.


9.   Can be achieved within the proposed timescales i.e. Up to 6 months and has sufficient resources to allow the review group to undertake the work.


10. Is interesting and relevant to Members.


Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Workplan 2013/2014




13th June 2013

End of July/Early August Informal Meeting (TBA)


6th Sept 2013


5th December 2013


21st January 2014


17th March 2014

Policy Review/




Regeneration - Next Wave of Projects (TBC)

Waste & Recycling/

Environment (TBC)

Bus Review (TBC)















St Leger Performance 2012/13

(Qtr 4)


St Leger/DMBC Performance 2013/14

(Qtr 1)

St Leger/DMBC Performance 2013/14

(Qtr 2)


St Leger/DMBC Performance 2013/14

(Qtr 3)

Information Updates


Regeneration - Next Wave of Projects






(Holding to Account)

Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates: -


Councillor Glynn Jones

Councillor Bill Mordue

Councillor Joe Blackham



Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates: - 


Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates: - 


Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates: - 


Cabinet Members Portfolio Updates: - 



R&E Workplan 2013/14


R&E Workplan 2013/14

R&E Workplan 2013/14

R&E Workplan 2013/14

R&E Workplan 2013/14








Strategy/Policy Development Working Group













Councillor for Edenthorpe, Kirk Sandall & Barnby Dun


Home Tel: 01302 880242




22nd March 2013


Peter Davies

Mayor of Doncaster

Doncaster Council

Floor 1

Civic Office






Dear Peter


Doncaster Council’s Assets Portfolio


At the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel Meeting held on the 18th March 2013, the Panel received a report on ‘Doncaster Council’s Assets Portfolio’’.


The Panel was provided information in the report which included: -


     A breakdown of the Assets Doncaster Council currently owns.

     Valuation information in respect of the portfolio.

     Opportunities for realisation of asset value.

     Long leaseholds and clawback/overage.


As part of the discussion, a number of issues were raised including clarification of who owns unadopted roads in the Borough, the Councils approach regarding the disposal of its assets (in view of challenges faced from the current economic climate) and the final decanting of council buildings such as Council House and Blue Buildings in order to maximise potential cost savings.


Following the discussion, members of the Panel agreed for a recommendation to be put forward as follows: -


1.   That an up-to-date register of assets is made available on the Doncaster Council website and intranet as soon as possible.










A Member of the Panel questioned the availability of such information in an accessible format to Councillors and when it would be available.  Although it was understood that the register was a work in progress and would not be immediately available, it was felt by Members that this is an important and necessary resource to Councillors.


On behalf of the Panel, I would like to thank Dave Hazard, Head of Service Major Projects and Assets, Gill Fairbrother. Assets Manager and Chris Fairbrother, Property Manager for presenting the report and answering questions.  I look forward to receiving a response from you no later than 22nd April 2013 on the recommendations and comments outlined above.


Kind regards,


Councillor A Revill

Chair – Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel


cc.  Jo Miller, Chief Executive

      Chair/Vice Chair of O.S.M.C.


      Peter Dale, Director of Development 

      Scott Cardwell, Assistant Director of Development (Regeneration)

      Dave Hazard, Head of Service Major Projects and Assets

Insert response to Doncaster Council’s Assets Portfolio letter PDF. (5 sides)

Insert response to CAG Report PDF (5 sides)







Councillor for Edenthorpe, Kirk Sandall & Barnby Dun


Home Tel: 01302 880242




22nd March 2013


Peter Davies

Mayor of Doncaster

Doncaster Council

Floor 1

Civic Office





Dear Peter


Affordable Private Housing Development


At an informal meeting of the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny on the 28th February 2013, the Panel met to consider the following questions: -


·                             How as a Council can we improve access to finance for developers to meet our housing target; and

·                             How as a Council, can we assist buyers to purchase their own homes within Doncaster?


The Panel received a presentation from officers on the current picture in respect of housing delivery, affordable housing, viability, affordability and what more could we do as a Council.  The Panel also met with a number of representatives from private developers, banks and agencies as well as officers from within Doncaster Council who were all able to contribute to the discussion. 


There were a number of concerns and observations made by the group about the challenges faced by both first and second time buyers.  They included the difficulties of raising a deposit and meeting the stricter criteria laid down by banks as well as property values dropping.  There were also concerns in relation to the knock-on effects of the austerity measures, the current economic climate and the implications of becoming a society with an increasing dependence upon rented accommodation.


As a result of the informal meeting, a number of recommendations were made which were ratified by the Panel at a formal meeting on the 18th March 2013. 








Those recommendations included the following: -


1.         That further consideration is given to planning policy and land values in order to encourage more development in the Borough.

As part of the discussions, there were a number of suggestions made by those developers who attended the meeting.  These included that there needs to be more sites especially in the North if England that are without Section 106 agreements.  It was also felt that there needs to be a more realistic approach regarding land values. 


As part of the debate, it was recognised that the Council owns a considerable amount of land and it was suggested that the value of such land could be lowered in the future.  It was accepted that the perception of planning policy and land charges is beginning to change which is encouraging more investment.


One developer informed the group that there were some local authorities providing rent holidays for council tenants to free up funds to be able to buy their own homes.  It was acknowledged that this may not always be a preferred course of action and Members questioned the viability of such a scheme.


2.      That further investigation should be carried out by Officers as to what is being done by other local authorities nationwide, which schemes are proving successful and what could be applied by Doncaster Council. 


The group discussed the various schemes available including those being undertaken by other local authorities.  These included other local authorities across the country who are putting money aside to become equity partners and others who have mortgage arrangements with local lenders to offer exclusive mortgages.


Other products were also discussed such as Barclay’s new "family mortgage" deal that allows parents to use their savings to help their children get on the housing ladder.   It was questioned whether the Council could undertake a similar role by affectively acting as a guarantor.


3.      That consideration should be given to raising further awareness and establishing a dedicated resource to provide specialist advice on mortgages and related financial advice.










It was expressed by some members of the group that that helping young people to be in a position to purchase a house is becoming more about the parent’s role.  The importance of young people learning how to save from an early age was also emphasised.

In view of educating young people and adults, it was commented that there is a lack of understanding about mortgages etc. in particular, that people aren’t fully aware of implications on defaulting on mortgages.  The group was also informed by a developer that it was difficult encouraging people into sales offices where advice could be provided about mortgages and related financial issues.


In view of this information, Members of the group therefore felt that more could be done around raising further awareness and having a dedicated resource to provide advice and information specifically around mortgages and financial advice.


4.         That we review the feasibility and level of risk of Doncaster Council providing mortgages and loans to enable residents within the Borough to purchase their own homes or to act as a guarantor.


During the meeting, there was a brief discussion around Doncaster Council and the group learnt that the Council is able to borrow at a reasonable rate (at the moment 4% over 25 years) although it doesn’t tend to borrow at a fixed rate.  Members also heard that there is an Investment Fund which will fund low risk schemes that will give a return across the years.  In view of information received around what other local authorities and banks/building societies are now offering, it was felt that the feasibility and risk of Doncaster Council providing mortgages or acting as a guarantor should be reviewed as a future option.


5.         That a report is brought back to a formal Panel meeting in June 2013 as part of the 2013/2014 work plan outlining various options for proposals and schemes that Doncaster Council could become involved in.  For example, providing 106 free lands, purchasing repossessed properties and providing mortgages etc.


            In view of the growing schemes that other local authorities were becoming involved in and potential avenues for Doncaster Council, the Panel expressed its wish to receive more information on how the Council could help both developers and home buyers in the future.  It was therefore recommended that a report is brought to a future Panel meeting in June 2013 outlining the various options and schemes that the Council could become involved in.


I would also be grateful for updates to the above recommendations which are accepted to be provided in the future as part of next year’s workplan.






On behalf of the Panel, I would like to thank Adam Goldsmith, Head of Service (Local Investment Planning) and Adrian Robertshaw, Investment Planning Officer for taking the time to meet with Members and help bring together representatives for an informal meeting which provided an interesting and informative debate.  I would also like to thank Scott Cardwell - Assistant Director of Development (Regeneration), Steve Mawson - Assistant Director of Finance and Performance, Tony Corby, Marketing and Brand Manager and Sue Harrison, Doncaster 100 and Access to Finance Co-ordinator, Success Doncaster for attending and their involvement in the meeting.


I look forward to receiving a response from you no later than 22nd April 2013 on the recommendations and comments outlined above.


Kind regards,

Councillor A Revill

Chair – Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel


cc.  Jo Miller, Chief Executive

      Chair/Vice Chair of O.S.M.C.


      Peter Dale, Director of Development           

      Scott Cardwell - Assistant Director of Development (Regeneration)

      Adam Goldsmith, Head of Service (Local Investment Planning)

      Steve Mawson - Assistant Director of Finance & Performance


Insert response to Housing Options letter (PDF) 1 page




Action Points from Enterprising Doncaster Board Meeting 1st February 2013




Jon Whiteley (Lead: Economic Linkages)                                                          Chair

Malcolm Cowing (Lead: Common Economic Factors)                                       Vice Chair

Jim Wren (Housing Champion)

Nigel Brewster (Work and Skills Champion)

Peter Davies (Economic Portfolio Holder/Mayor)

Scott Cardwell (Assistant Director of Development (Regeneration)

Cheryl Williams (Visitor Economy Champion)

Phil Harris (Doncaster Chamber of Commerce)

Richard Wrigley (Business Growth Champion)

Peter Dale (Director for Regeneration and Environment)

Emma Butler (Economic Policy Officer)


For Agenda Item 7:

Andy Pattinson (Economic Policy Officer)

Professor Gordon Dabinett (Sheffield University)

Doctor Tim Vorley (Sheffield University)




Tracy Harwood (Interim Assistant Director Strategic Housing)

Jo Miller (Chief Executive, DMBC)

Barbra Hoyle (Portfolio Holder, Housing)


Previous Actions


No previous actions were discussed following the restructure and refocusing of work.


New Actions


Agenda Item



Action By


Agenda Item 1 – Welcome, Apologies and Introductions


Apologies noted.

Jon Whiteley



Agenda Item 2 –

Feedback from COG


Phil Harris is to be Enterprising Doncaster’s representative on the Chief Officer Group. 


Key projects have been signed off with the exception of the Science of Behaviour project as it was felt further scoping was required.  Further clarity should be obtained at the next COG meeting as to how and if Enterprising Doncaster is to become involved.

Action: Phil Harris to ensure that if Enterprising Doncaster should be involved actions are reported back to the board.

Jon Whiteley


Phil Harris





Agenda Item 3a –   Getting Young People into Work








Agenda Item 3b – Promoting the Borough


The Work and Skills Board have revised their work programme in light of the LMI results. 


Details of this are outlined in the relevant paper.


Enterprising Doncaster fully support the new programme of activity. Individual companies represented were especially keen on the graduate recruitment project and for ‘Doncaster’ to attend the Milk Round.


Workshop being planned to scope out the project for late February.  Keen for the project to take in to account all partnership work and modelled on the “Welcome to Sheffield” approach.


Nigel Brewster.










Malcolm Cowing































Agenda Item 4 – Champion Updates     


































































Business Growth: There will be two strands to the Business Growth area of the board:

1.    Developing established relationships with nearby universities.

2.    Research in to the barriers that businesses face when growing.


Action: Richard Wrigley to table a paper outlining the project to develop working relationships with nearby universities at the next Board meeting.


Visitor Economy


There are two key areas that should become the focus of the board:

1.    Town Centre/Area surrounding CCQ.

2.    Area surrounding the potential golf course at Rossington.


There doesn’t seem to be any coordination for either of these areas to ensure complementarity of activity. This could potentially be a function of Enterprising Doncaster. 


Impact on GVA and job growth need to drive these developments and the Board is in a position to challenge the activity around these areas.


Action: Cheryl Williams to lead a meeting with interested parties to establish an overview of the activity. 




Doncaster’s Logistics Group is to become a LEP Sector group.


Sheffield Hallam University research in to the current and future of the logistics industry in Doncaster should be completed by March.

Action: Feedback from the research to be tabled at the next Board meeting.


Port of Doncaster project has been stalled due to procurement issues and is unlikely to be ready for the Multi Modal Exhibition.  This is unacceptable to the Board.  The Chamber agreed to procure the project if they can be reassured that this is not duplication of effort, money will be well spent and there is the funding in place.

Action: Phil Harris to instruct the Chamber to commence procurement once he has received reassurance.



Housing: There have been some promising signs from the market and the New Start Programme is helping but there is still a long way to go. 


Doncaster is going to struggle to meet the new build housing targets set. Other areas have reduced their targets but in doing so have had to reduce the amount of land offered for housing, limiting the choice of sites for the housing market.  It is unclear as to what the board can do to support. 


Action: Local Authority needs to sit down with the private sector to identify what can be done to assist new build numbers.



Transport: Action: David Brown to bring a report to the next board meeting.








Richard Wrigley






















Cheryl William










Malcolm Cowing/Steve Gill










Phil Harris

















Scott Cardwell supported by Jim Wren.

David Brown



Agenda Item 5 – Business Doncaster


Doncaster Invest in Doncaster and Success Doncaster are to be rebranded as Business Doncaster.


Funding options are being explored to some specialised business support through Business Doncaster.


Action: Scott Cardwell to circulate an update on exploratory work around European funding.


Action: Richard Wrigley is to become a member of Business Doncaster in an advisory capacity









Scott Cardwell


Richard Wrigley/Iain Thomson



Agenda Item 6 – Economic Portfolio Holder Update


DN7 is still being supported by Europe and 2Co are exploring private investment opportunities.


FARRRS should be progressing soon.


There is to be a £1m investment in the outdoor markets in the town centre.


Homes Market junction near the Waterfront should soon be underway.  




Agenda Item 7–  Research Programme


Logistic Report will be available in May.


Other research will be conducted by PHD students and will take three years to complete.  Modules that can be shaped by the board will be related at regular intervals.


Research projects include:

1.    Mapping social polarisation in relation to health and well-being.

2.    Analysing the barriers to business growth in indigenous SMEs.

3.    Socioeconomic changes associated with housing plans.

4.    Patterns of educational attainment and community resilience.

The modelling work likely to be produced by the housing research has the potential to up skill current staff.


Andy Pattinson is to act as main point of contact and will explore how board members engage with the research programme. 




Agenda Item 8 – Communication


A Linked In group has been created as a private group for board members.  Jon asked for all members to support this and use it on a regular basis as a method of information communication and to keep others updated in between board meetings.





None raised.



Regeneration & Environment Overview & Scrutiny

Informal Panel Meeting


Racecourse Management Company


Doncaster Racecourse, Lazarus Suite

Time 2:00 – 4:00pm, 25th April 2013




Members: Councillors Tony Revill (Chair), Richard Cooper-Holmes (Vice Chair), Yvonne Woodcock, John Shepherd, Monty Cuthbert, Ted Kitchen, David Nevitt, Nuala Fennelly


Invitees: Paul O’Brien


Officers:  Andy Maddox - Cultural Services Manager, Paul Barnett - Directorate Finance Manager and Scott Fawcus - Head of Strategic Development & Partnerships.


Apologies: Councillor Ken Keegan, Deborah Hutchinson,


External Representatives: Tony Kelly, Managing Director of the whole ARC Group and Director of Doncaster and Jeff Ennis MP for Barnsley and Mexborough, Mark Spincer, Managing Director of Doncaster Racecourse


Notes of Meeting


Background Information: -


·         ARC is the largest racing group in UK who has 40% of fixtures list and has 15 out of 59 racecourses.

·         £35 million in investment spent at Doncaster Racecourse which has been recognised as money well spent.

·         Constitutionally nothing has changed, ownership structure has not changed.  The only thing that has changed is the ownership of shares of Arena Leisure Plc.

·         It was clarified that DMBC is a shareholder in Doncaster Racecourse (19%) who has a lease and has a representative (Jeff Ennis MP) who attends board meetings.

·         St Leger was a 4 day event last year in 2012 which was considered as excellent.

·         Mark Spincer has been the Managing Director for the last 3 years and was the Managing Director at Newcastle Racecourse.  During the first year when Mark Spincer was in operation the racecourse broke even and he is recognised for his “innovative” approach.

·         The group was informed that there were no Doncaster Councillors on the Racecourse Management Company board but Jeff Ennis MP had been appointed as Doncaster’s representative.



Community Issues: -


·         In respect of engaging with the local community, Mark Spincer informed the group that he was only invited to a local forum once (to which he sent his apologies) and then never received any further invites.

·         Regarding the Lonsdale, it was confirmed that there was no relationship in place with the Lonsdale but Mark Spincer informed the group that he would be open to one and would exchange contact details with Councillor Paul Wray, Ward Councillor for Town Moor.

·         Some initiatives that Doncaster Racecourse have on the horizon includes: -

o   Celebration for Doncaster Rovers  (subject to outcome of final)

o   Family Day Promotion in the Free Press 

o   Live music night – letter was sent out to 2,500 local resident offering a discount.

o   Postcode (Residents) Race Day – discount initiative for summer 2013.

o   Christmas Live Events – covers have increased from 2,000 in 2011, 6,000 in 2012 and 9,000 projected in 2013.

·         The group was advised that the Royal Wedding was an event where the largest number of free tickets were issued and won an award.

·         Attendance averages for Doncaster in comparison with other racecourse were identified as being much larger, Members were advised that other racecourses are different, for example all weather and therefore it would be difficult to compare like for like.

·         Conferences – looking at conferences further with blue chip companies, now attracting blue chip companies based in the North.

·         Shows – events such as Toy Shows and Antique Shows.  Members were informed that there was going to be a Car Show in 2013 but it is not a racecourse event (the premises have been hired for the event) but negotiations are on-going for additional events although the client would like to see how the event goes first.

·         Doncaster Blood Stock Sales – 28 rooms (twin beds, tea and coffee, TV) used for 35 meetings where workers are able to stay for free during race events.  Nominal charge made to entertainment staff when they stay.  Under terms of contract the accommodations can only be used when ancillary to the business.

·         Doncaster Town Centre (Night Time Economy) – Mark Spincer advised the group that he had tried to work with the Town Centre but that there was a reluctance to make any contributions to benefit from any business working relationship with the racecourse.

·         The group was informed that the Doncaster Racecourse had a number of positive relationships with Doncaster Hoteliers Group, DMBC Tourism team, key partners including Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Keepmoat Stadium and Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield.

·         The Finningley and Rossington Regeneration Route Scheme (FARRRS) will see a new road from Junction 3 of the M18 serve the south of Doncaster was viewed as a positive move.

·         Hotel Development - it was confirmed that this had always been on the agenda and the RMC could make a capital investment if this was necessary.  It was commented that if the demand for a hotel was demonstrated then it would be a serious consideration but that the demand is not there at the moment.

·         Drainage – it was confirmed that past issues with drainage had been resolved and Mark Spincer commented that Doncaster Racecourse was the best drainage track in the country.  It was noted that 12,000 people could be covered and that there were only 2 or 3 days during summer when that maybe exceeded.

·         Efficiencies from in-house services include IT systems across the whole group marketing function for the group based in Wolverhampton.

·         Doncaster Racecourse considered as a jewel in the crown not just for Doncaster but for South Yorkshire and pivotal for the future success of promoting Doncaster.

·         It was explained that the Council share of the profit is 7.5% in the first 30 years of the lease (which is 99 years) and 19% thereafter unless super profits are achieved where the Council share of profit increases to 19%.  The Council only receives cash from profits on the issue of dividend from the Joint Venture Company.

·         It was stated that it would be approximately 10 to 15 years before the Council would begin to receive any money.

·         The group was also informed that the Council receives rent every year (currently £127,000 which increases every year).

·         It was confirmed that the Council is not responsible for insurance cover.

·         Benefits from synergies across ARC Group such as buying powers which has led to a brewery deal which may results in £150,000 to Doncaster Racecourse.


Future Opportunities

·         The group was informed about a possible project that would enable the racecourse to run two more races.  Mark Spincer spoke about a new section of fibres and track installed at Musselburgh Racecourse’s jump track.  It was confirmed that there would not be an all-weather track.



·         People no longer have a great deal of disposable income.

·         Back in 2004/5 when the business plan was agreed there would have been approximately 30/40% more people on St Leger Day In current economic times.

·         Introduction of anti-bribery laws.

Regeneration and Environmental

Overview and Scrutiny Meeting


Strategy/Policy Development Working Group


Terms of Reference


1.            This is a Working Group established by the Regeneration and Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Panel to develop Regeneration and Environment Strategies/Policy Development during the 2013/14 municipal year.


2.            The Working Group will receive evidence and information from a range of sources, for example, Council officers, partners, businesses, stakeholders the public etc.


3.            The frequency and arrangements of its meetings will be determined by the Working Group.


4.            The Working group will consider the extent to which any meetings or activities will be open to members of the public bearing in mind consideration of any issues that may be of a confidential/exempt nature


5.            Any recommendations made by the group will be reported to the Regeneration and Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Panel for consideration and ratification.


6.            Recommendations will be reported to the Regeneration and Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Panel either by way of individual reports or updates through the work plan report.


7.            Minutes of the Working Group meetings will be circulated with the Regeneration and Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Panel work plan report.


8.            The membership will include at least 5 members of the Regeneration and Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Panel and have cross party representation.  On occasion, the Panel may give consideration to the membership of the working group to allow other Members to be involved with specific strategies and policies.


9.            The quorum will be three members of the Working Group


10.         The Working Group will be supported by a Scrutiny Officer.